Characterization: Role of Seismic Data

Seismic data has been an integral part of the characterization program and includes a baseline 42 mi2 3D survey over the entire field, three baseline 3D VSPS centered on injection wells and four baseline cross-well tomography segments between injector/producer pairs. In addition, a dedicated monitoring well has a 16 level 3 component passive seismic monitoring array installed within it.

Seismic interpretation has improved the geologic model and has revealed the presence of previously unknown features such as faults and channel-like features. It is important to understand the behavior of these features and their influence on fluid flow.



Additional seismic lines in the area include a 3D survey at the Booker field to the north, and some 2D lines that extend across a larger area. This geophysical data provides us with a greater understanding of the geological and tectonic evolution of the Anadarko basin.